How to Survive through a long flight?

Excited about your upcoming trip but thoughts of long hours journey making you feel horrible! Yes, long-haul flights can be the worst part of traveling.
When I took 10+ hours long tedious flight first time, I thought sleeping over the whole journey would be the best thing I can do to pass my time during the journey. 
Well, I was wrong!
Getting through a long brutal journey is not that easy. Some small efforts can help you to beat the clock during your journey as well as making it cozier.
Here I am sharing some ideas that can help you out in surviving with your long hour journey and making the most out of it:
  1. Power-up your all devices:
Make sure you have all your devices fully charged as well as you can keep any power backup with you in case your plane doesn’t have electrical outlets. If you like reading ebooks, watching movies or playing games, you can easily enjoy your traveling with these activities.
  1. Wear comfortable outfits:
Choose the “Comfy-Chic” dressing style with loose-fitting when it comes to long-distance travel so that you can move around in. Also, put some cozy jackets or hoods as the temperature changes in the plane and it can also be used as an extra pillow to lean on, when folded.
  1. Keep yourself hydrated:
No wonder – flying dehydrates you. When you step out from a flight you may feel sick or nausea, actually it all happens because of dehydration. How much water you should drink during a flight depends upon your journey hours. It is recommended to drink about 2 liters* of water for every hour you’re in the air but not all at once.
  1. Keep changing your posture:
Make sure you get as much movement in as possible. Getting up and walking around is crucial during long-haul flights as it stretches the legs and encourages circulation throughout the body. You can also consider wearing compression socks to avoid swelling and circulation problems.
  1. Book your tickets early – Choose a comfortable seat:
Booking your tickets early gives you a perk of choosing your favourite seat. Choose it wisely according to your comfort.
I hope these tips and tricks will help you with your next long-haul flight. How do you survive a long flight? Do add your ideas and tips to the comments!
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